FRILO BIM-Connector®


In the context of networked building design, the FRILO BIM Connector® sets new standards because it allows structural engineers to participate efficiently and usefully in the OpenBIM process based on a single model for all people involved. With the help of the BIM Connector, specific, three-dimensional models* from any CAD software can be converted into suitable calculation models** without any loss of data or information. Numerous sophisticated functions allow the user to prepare the building data of the model optimally and intuitively for the intended structural calculations and verifications with a mouse click. There is no need for remodelling.

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More time for the essentials

Noticeable time saving

The laborious and time-consuming remodelling of a structural analysis model to prepare it for structural calculations is no longer necessary. Thanks to the automated transfer of geometry data, projects and orders can be realised more efficiently.

Reduced susceptibility to errors

Remodelling is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Thanks to the automated data exchange, structure and analysis data are reliably transferred. Manual acquisition of geometry is no longer necessary. This eliminates potential sources of error.

Overall control

The building data are transferred correctly and completely, but not necessarily in the way, the structural engineer would want them. Therefore, the BIM Connector is equipped with numerous functions that provide for quick and targeted adjustment of the model.

Interoperability in action

The BIM Connector can import both IFC and SAF files without any loss of information and data. The smooth, open data exchange between the specialists of different disciplines is independent of the software and allows all people involved to participate in the OpenBIM process.

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IFC file standard

The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) format is an open standard in the construction industry for the digital description of building models. Designers who create a building model can describe it in a way that is independent of specific software. Geometry, attributes and descriptions of building components as well as structural information of building components can be transmitted. After the IFC file has been transferred to the BIM Connector, it is first opened as a physical model in which the building data are reduced to structurally relevant components. The cleared-up model is then prepared in the calculation model for the structural calculations. The BIM Connector supports the following file formats:

  • Import: IFC 2×3, IFC4, *.Ifc, *.IfcZip and *.Zip, IFC4 Structural Analysis View
  • Export: IFC4 Structural Analysis View


SAF file standard

The Structural Analysis Format (SAF) is an Excel-based open file format developed by the Nemetschek Group that is specifically tailored to the needs of structural engineers. In contrast to the IFC file, the export file that is transferred to the BIM Connector is based on a structural analysis model that has already been created. As a result, the BIM Connector opens the calculation model directly after the import. Components are transferred in the connected state and materials are already assigned. The BIM Connector supports the following file formats:


  • Import: SAF 1.0.5 – 2.0.0


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Dr.-Ing. Stefan Baues

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Baues from baues architekten has fully tested the FRILO BIM Connector. How he uses the FRILO program in his daily work, how he benefits from its use and why he is positively surprised by the BIM Connector, he reports in the short clip. (in German)