Use the non-binding test license to convince yourself of the performance and suitability for everyday use of our software. For 30 days you get free access to the full range of functions to get to know and test.
Please fill in the form on the left to get the free demo version of FRILO software. A few minutes after submitting your information, you will receive an email confirming your registration. The email will contain instructions on how to download the software as well as helpful materials and information to get you started.
If you want to test FRILO programs that you have not yet licensed, you do not have to download the demo version separately. Click on the Programs tab in the FRILO Control Center and then on the Demo icon. In the right section of the window, under License, you will see those programs that you can test free of charge for 30 days in demo mode. The test period starts separately for each program with the first program start.